Wednesday 16 March 2011

Aberdeen College brings space back down to earth

‘Is that an alien?’ and other questions were answered in Britain’s most northerly Planetarium when it re-opened after a decade last night.

The 30 seat Aberdeen College planetarium heard Dr Marco Thiel’s advice on how to find and detect extra-terrestial life in a seminar Life on Other Planets?

Last night’s event opened a series of Cafe Cosmos nights which will see monthly guest speakers from Cambridge, The University of Glasgow and The University of Aberdeen during the spring.

Torcuil Torrance, the Aberdeen Astronomical Society president is “very excited about the new planetarium facility”.

He said: “Cafe Cosmos is a great way to introduce the people of Aberdeen to the planetarium and to expand their knowledge of the universe around us.”

Those with seats for the fully booked session had the chance to watch a star show from the planetarium’s dome ceiling followed by a presentation by Dr Thiel.

The guest lecturer, Dr Thiel from the Aberdeen University’s Department of Physics told the audience that the scientific community keeps finding more and more new planetary systems.

He said: “The odds for finding life outside the planet Earth are quite good, but it doesn’t look possible at all that they could come over here.”

Cafe Cosmos was part of the National Science and Engineering Week which hosts various science related events for all ages around Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.

AAS offers a free membership for everyone who participates in the Cafe Cosmos events during the spring.

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